Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bright Nights Vancouver Tweet up

I think our little guy is big enough to enjoy the Christmas train at Stanley Park this year. So I'm trying to organize a tweet-up.   As the train sells out early, I thought it would be good to organize and purchase tickets early. 

Please indicate in the comments below if you are interesting in coming, the time that works best for you,  the number of adults/kids over 2 and if you are interested in purchasing advance tickets as a group or will arrange your own.
  • Date - December 18th (alternate date Wed December 16th)
  • Time - Meet at 4:00 and get tickets for the (a) 5-5:30pm slot or  (b) 5:30 - 6pm slot.   We can visit the children's farm and other attractions until our time comes up. And those that are working can still meet up with us before the train time slot.
  • Cost: $8 adults (+1.6 convenience fee) and $5 kids 2-18 and seniors (+1 convenience fee)
As tickets will sell out quickly for a Friday night I suggest we try to buy a group of tickets in advance - will need to confirm numbers for advance tickets by Monday Dec 7th.  Then if others decide to come along last minute, they can take make arrangements for same day tickets. 

Update Dec 7th - So I left the advance ticket purchase too late.  It was looking fine before I left for the weekend trip to rural aka 'dial-up hell' Alberta.  But yesterday 5 and 5:30 were gone.  Going to try through ticketmast phone line one last time today, but likely I'll be purchasing tickets at noon on the 18th at the box office (they keep a good chunk of tickets for same day sale).   


  1. Sounds like fun but I wouldn't be able to make either one of those dates.

    We took Victoria when she was almost 18mo and it was a challenge...she'd probably be good now but Amelia is about 17mo soooo....I'm thinking next year :)

  2. Sounds like a great idea. We are 2 adults and 3 kids over 2.

  3. We're in! Still working on the logistics, but it'll be 2 adults and 1 kid over 2 (and one under 2). I'll be leaving UBC around 4:15 and hopefully get to Stanley Park for 5pm. I'd prefer the 5:30-6 slot but if you guys want the 5-5:30, I'll try to push the timing a bit earlier.

  4. The Imp of the Perverse and I are in! (Poor daddy's working late that day...)So 1 adult, 1 child under 2. Looking forward to it!

  5. Drat! Hubby just booked the train for us, the kids and my MIL for the 13th.

    Dog goes for ACL surgery on the 17th too so perhaps it is not in the cards to ride the Choo Choo together that night.

    Would have enjoyed a spiked Hot Cocoa with my esteemed online colleagues though.


  6. Mark and Harriet (2 adults) and I (One freebie baby) are in. Thanks!
